is the festival of lights, celebrated in the Tamil month of Karthigai. According to beliefs, Lord Muruga, the divine light of Lord Shiva, took his form during this month. On this day, all his six forms were united by parvati and this way, he had six faces.
Panguni Uthram:
This is celebrated in the “Panguni” (March-April). This is also the wedding day of Lord shiva and parvati, Devasana and Murugan, Andal and Ranganathan and also ram and sita. Devotees of Lord Muruga pierce their bodies with needles and spikes as a sign of their devotion to the Lord.
Temple Timings:
Morning Darshan – 6.00 AM to 11.00 AM
Evening Darshan – 4.00 PM to 8.30 PM